
Monday, February 25, 2013

Pipkin's Out

Pipkin "the wild man"

Pipkin out of his cage for his nightly run around the house. He runs or rather hops after the cats. It's a madhouse when he's out. Cats run everywhere! Jump everywhere! They won't stay on the other side of the gate away from Pipkin. I think they like to tease him. Here's Cookie teasing Pipkin by sitting on top of the cat condo. He's contemplating jumping over the baby gate to escape Pipkin. Pipkin also likes to dig "holes" in the floor. He never actually gets anywhere, not even a scratch on the floor. It's another one of his favorite activities: chasing cats and digging non existent holes. He must wonder why we keep filling up his holes every night.

A little about Pipkin: He's 8 months old; part California Rabbit and part some other random bunny; 10 lbs and the size of a cat.

Week 4 of  no car. Not too bad except for the occasional feeling of "cabin fever".  There is no bus line to anywhere where I live and I'm not paying high Taxi prices to get around. Plus, the closest place to walk to is a gas station. It's about 1 mile down the road. By the end of March, we will be car owners again. Yay!!

Random Picture of the Day: (I do know those people in the pic. One is my daughter and the man is Mick from Australia)

Indian Mounds in Macon, Ga

Recommended YouTube videos: CGPGrey - great voice, informational, speaks well, educational - plus the kids like him and have learned several new bits of info. Like, Uranus was once going to be named King Georgimus.

Signing out for now - - - ------------------------------------------

1 comment:

  1. well herpaderp your blogs r awesome ya know imma not saying this because im your kid... :3
