
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hello, Hi there, Just a little bit about me...

I'm a registered nurse, mom and homeschool teacher. I used to work at a psych clinic BUT that ended after our car was rear-ended. And totalled. Now, I hang out at home all day. My day is made of -- homeschool and whatever else I can think of to do. I like to play video games, be crafty and take long walks in the sun. No, seriously. I do play a lot of video games. I dabble in crafts and DIY projects.

Flat Shadow
That picture is an example of "whatever else I can think of". We don't do "Fat Stanley" at homeschool. We do "Flat Shadow". For those who don't know, Shadow is a character from the video game, Sonic. He is frenemies of Sonic. One of my daughters has an action figure of Shadow whose poor little arm fell off. I stuck it inside this creamer until I could get around to fixing the thing.  Now, we take pictures of his arm in various places.

What else? I have attempted to blog before but haven't found a blogsight I like. Hope this one works out. (By not liking, I mean, the format and ease of use.)

See you later and I'll tell you why my .com name is ...


  1. Made a mistake. The .com name is

  2. ...^w^... neaty blog (awesome face) ps. if anyone is wondering I have shadow :D
