
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 2 of blogging - Work in progress

Well, I just realized that I have no idea how to find my blog. How annoying. I also wrote down the url wrong. Maybe, that is why I'm having trouble finding my blog. Me blogging is a work in progress. I have made stabs at it in the past but always stopped blogging after day 1 or 2. Perhaps, I'll make it to day 3 this time.

Random picture of the day:
Me in 1970 with my dad
I made everyone in the house exfoliating soap holders and they loved them. I found the instructions on a DIY site - . They are really easy to make. I used an old hand towel that I was going to throw away. Here is a picture of one of them:
I "embroidered" an A on this one for one of my daughters so
they wouldn't get confused on which one was theirs. I have never embroidered anything before today. It definitely looks better in the picture than in real life. LOL!

Bye for now

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