
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cat Flophouse and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

Flophouse for cats

Bobo and Cookie

Walked into the bedroom and saw them, floppy and snoozing. Bobo is on his back with his front paws crossed, back feet curled up and Cookie is rolled up like the letter "C". Sure, looks comfy. Wonder how I get to check in and relax. Hmm, well the picture is slightly dark, sorry about that, I'm taking pictures with my camera phone. And, my bed is unmade. Eek!

TidBit of Knowledge: Pipkin's name means an earthenware cooking pot used for cooking over direct heat from coals or a wood fire. It has a handle and three feet. Late medieval and postmedieval pipkins had a hollow handle into which a stick might be inserted for manipulation. Wikipedia . Did not know that. Pipkin is named after a bunny, in Watership Down,  not a medievel or postmedieval cooking pot. It seemed like a good name for him since he was the smallest of the litter.

Explaining I had gotten frustrated picking out a .com name. Every name I attempted was already taken. As a joke, I meant to type be calm lol. I musta been so frustrated I typed  So, haha  when you're having a bad day - be clam!

Today, I ran out of cookies for the kids. Now, being slightly lazy, I decided to make some instead of running to the store and buying a pack.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies (makes about 24 cookies)

Ingredients:  1/2 cup soft margarine
                    1/2 cup packed brown sugar
                    1/2 cup chocolate peanut butter (creamy)
                    1/2 tsp real vanilla extract
                    1 egg
                    1 tsp baking soda
                    1/4 tsp salt
                    1 and 1/2 cups flour

Cream butter, sugar and peanut butter.  Add vanilla and egg to mix, beat until it looks like this:

Butter, Sugar and Peanut Butter Mix
Next Add all the dry ingredients and mix until a stiff dough forms. 

Dry Ingredients Mixed in

Next, shape the dough into walnut sized balls and place on a greased baking sheet. If you want smaller, make the ball smaller. Larger cookies? Bigger balls! Press with a fork to flatten. Pop in preheated 375 degree oven and cook for 10mins.

Dough Balls
Finished Cookies

Flattening into Cookies

A word about the chocolate peanut butter - my mum made some at a health food store in Atlanta with peanuts and chocolate.  No perservatives, no extra sugar. Yummy stufff. If you can't find chocolate peanut butter, regular flavor will work just as well. The cookies have a light chocolate, big peanut butter taste.

My computer is giving me lag issues so I'm signing off.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pipkin's Out

Pipkin "the wild man"

Pipkin out of his cage for his nightly run around the house. He runs or rather hops after the cats. It's a madhouse when he's out. Cats run everywhere! Jump everywhere! They won't stay on the other side of the gate away from Pipkin. I think they like to tease him. Here's Cookie teasing Pipkin by sitting on top of the cat condo. He's contemplating jumping over the baby gate to escape Pipkin. Pipkin also likes to dig "holes" in the floor. He never actually gets anywhere, not even a scratch on the floor. It's another one of his favorite activities: chasing cats and digging non existent holes. He must wonder why we keep filling up his holes every night.

A little about Pipkin: He's 8 months old; part California Rabbit and part some other random bunny; 10 lbs and the size of a cat.

Week 4 of  no car. Not too bad except for the occasional feeling of "cabin fever".  There is no bus line to anywhere where I live and I'm not paying high Taxi prices to get around. Plus, the closest place to walk to is a gas station. It's about 1 mile down the road. By the end of March, we will be car owners again. Yay!!

Random Picture of the Day: (I do know those people in the pic. One is my daughter and the man is Mick from Australia)

Indian Mounds in Macon, Ga

Recommended YouTube videos: CGPGrey - great voice, informational, speaks well, educational - plus the kids like him and have learned several new bits of info. Like, Uranus was once going to be named King Georgimus.

Signing out for now - - - ------------------------------------------

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 2 of blogging - Work in progress

Well, I just realized that I have no idea how to find my blog. How annoying. I also wrote down the url wrong. Maybe, that is why I'm having trouble finding my blog. Me blogging is a work in progress. I have made stabs at it in the past but always stopped blogging after day 1 or 2. Perhaps, I'll make it to day 3 this time.

Random picture of the day:
Me in 1970 with my dad
I made everyone in the house exfoliating soap holders and they loved them. I found the instructions on a DIY site - . They are really easy to make. I used an old hand towel that I was going to throw away. Here is a picture of one of them:
I "embroidered" an A on this one for one of my daughters so
they wouldn't get confused on which one was theirs. I have never embroidered anything before today. It definitely looks better in the picture than in real life. LOL!

Bye for now

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hello, Hi there, Just a little bit about me...

I'm a registered nurse, mom and homeschool teacher. I used to work at a psych clinic BUT that ended after our car was rear-ended. And totalled. Now, I hang out at home all day. My day is made of -- homeschool and whatever else I can think of to do. I like to play video games, be crafty and take long walks in the sun. No, seriously. I do play a lot of video games. I dabble in crafts and DIY projects.

Flat Shadow
That picture is an example of "whatever else I can think of". We don't do "Fat Stanley" at homeschool. We do "Flat Shadow". For those who don't know, Shadow is a character from the video game, Sonic. He is frenemies of Sonic. One of my daughters has an action figure of Shadow whose poor little arm fell off. I stuck it inside this creamer until I could get around to fixing the thing.  Now, we take pictures of his arm in various places.

What else? I have attempted to blog before but haven't found a blogsight I like. Hope this one works out. (By not liking, I mean, the format and ease of use.)

See you later and I'll tell you why my .com name is ...