
Monday, June 17, 2013

Migraine Woes

Ugh. Today is not a good day. The sky is full of dark big clouds. Plus, it's windy outside. To make it seem a little more dreary, I have a pre-migraine headache. Meaning, if I don't get rid of this headache, tomorrow I will have a migraine. Wish me luck!

My DIY bookcase. Made it the other day. A little lopsided but it'll do. I'm not trying to sell it or anything. I needed to make something fast to put my books up. I had a bunch of cardboard boxes and whipped up this bookcase. That's it for me. My head hurts to think. Ciao!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Attempting to be frugal

I'm very proud of myself, right now. This weekend, I managed to spend $188 on groceries. The groceries should last us for 2 weeks and feed a family of 5. I did use a combination of sales and coupons. I didn't participate in extreme couponing. Mainly, because, I've not figured out how to extreme coupon. I will keep you updated on whether or not the amount of groceries lasted us for 2 weeks.

Now, that school is over for the summer. No, I don't do any homeschooling during the summer. Too hot. Plus, my stepdaughter attends a traditional school and is out during the summer.

Anyway, I lost my train of thinking there for a minute. Now, that I'm not busy with school. I have been doing small projects around the house. Mostly, things like organizing my photos, rearranging kids rooms. But, I had a leftover bottle and shells that needed to be either thrown out or transformed. Here's the end result:

Ha! You probably thought I meant seashells. Leah provided the flower (fake). Obviously, one can't add water to this particular vase. Fake flowers will have to do. Which is fine, since the cats attack any living plants brought into the house.  
See, here is an example of a cat attacking Kelly's room. Be afraid, be very afraid. This could happen to you.

A close up, in case one wasn't sure what was exactly in that bottle. Those are ours. I collected them after going to the gun range. I have a lot more and plan to use them. I'm not sure what the gun range does with them but at least these won't end up in a landfill. Nor the bottle.

yes, that's my printer

Leah's creation. She didn't draw the ponies, just added the hair. To all the dads out there - - Happy Early Father's Day!!! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Trouble at the DMV

Hello everyone!

It's been awhile seen I've posted anything. I apologize. Many things were going on and frankly, I didn't have the energy. We did purchase a car. YAY! It took me 5 times of going to the DMV before I finally was able to get a tag. They kept giving me the run around.
DMV visit #1: I had the title and money to obtain the tag/license. I was told - "the dealer has to pay for your tag and send you the reciept, then you bring the reciept to us. Plus, the dealer forgot to sign the title."
 Told the dealer, sent the dealer back the title and the check for the tag. "The check" was original written by me to the dealer so he could purchase my tag.
At this point, the temporary tag is expired. While I was waiting for the check and title to be sent back to me, I went to the DMV again to renew the temporary tag. I was unsuccessful because the dealer had put the temp. tag in the dealership's name. So, now I'm driving around on an expired tag.
Recieved the check and the title from the dealer. This time the check was made out to the DMV as they requested. I, again, went to the DMV, and was told----"the dealer didn't write the check for the correct amount. NO, you can't pay the difference. You have to get the dealer to write another check in this amount $$$$."
Alright, sent the check back along with a check for the difference with a note with the amount of the tag that the DMV lady gave me. Recieved the check. Again, DMV office, again, "the dealer didn't write the check for the correct amount. The amount changed because it's late. Here is the correct amount $$$$. As long, as you bring back the correct amount before the next due date, the amount won't change. Here is a printout with the correct amount so you can give it to the dealer."
Me: When is the next due date?
DMV: 30 days after the car was purchased
Me: It's already been 30 days after the car was purchased. Sooo, when is the next due date?
DMV: *blank stare*
Me: So, if I come back tomorrow, will the amount still be the same?
DMV: yes

Sent the extra money and the check to the dealer. He FedEx'd it me the next day. Went to the DMV and

DMV: the dealer wrote the check for too much. You need to get a new check for this amount $$$$ before we can issue you a license plate.
Me: Here is the printout of the correct amount. I was told it wouldn't change in one day. You mean to tell me, I still can't get a tag! How is it possible that the amount for this tag changed in less than 24 hours. I was just here yesterday around lunchtime. Today, I'm here at 3pm and somehow the amount has changed! (I'm pretty sure I turned white because my hands started shaking and I was getting tunnel vision)
DMV: Oh. Let me get my manager.
DMV manager: *looks at printout**looks at computer* I have no idea how they got these numbers. Don't worry you'll get a tag today. I will just have to change the dates around to match the number that she gave you. (after several minutes of fiddling with the computer) Well, I can't get them to match. The dealer will just have to eat the extra that he paid for the license. You owe us $10 instead of $20 for the tag.

I didn't bother telling them that the dealer didn't pay for anything.

1988 Mercedes 560 SEL