
Monday, March 18, 2013

Aargh! Cabin Fever!!

I haven't posted in a few because well, frankly, I've been feeling down down down in the dumps. I am pretty sure I am sick and tired of not having any transportation. Well, the wait is almost over! Yippee!! Friday, my hub gets a bonus and we can go out and remedy the non-transportation issue. Yippee!!! *dancing for joy*  So, how did I cope with the lack of car? Ok, I guess. Basically, after home school I would attempt to ignore the fact of no car by playing video games or making DIY items. Being able to rent a car every other weekend did help but by the time the non rental car weekend rolled around, I would be mopey and stressing. Yes, I played a lot of video games, read books and made a lot of DIY items.
Like: glass cleaner (works great)
laundry detergent (perfectly clean clothes)
automatic dishwashing powder (pretty good)
hair detangler (works better than store bought)
chocolate peanut butter cookies (delish)
seasoned bread crumbs

Random picture of the day:
Leah, my daughter, and Michele, my cousin
Looking back, the two months of no car has actually gone by pretty fast. I will post a picture of the car once we buy it. Oh, one more thing, my birthday is Monday - the day after the weekend we'll be getting a car. Nice birthday present! Anyway, we've looked at several older cars like a 1987 Limo Caddy but decided not to pursue that one. No room in the driveway. La! Not sure how well it would handle our curvy neighborhood anyway.

Happy Belated St. Patricks Day!! We had a lovely meal of corned beef, mashed potatoes, green peas and rolls. No cabbage! No one in the house likes cabbage. Surprisingly, the kids enjoyed the corned beef.

 That is an old picture of BoBo. His back fur has darkened since he has gotten older. I have discovered that he is a rather finicky cat. He believes that he owns our bathroom and will run into it whenever we head that way. He also enjoys sticking his head under the bathroom faucet and drinking. Recently, we acquired a feral female cat. I had been feeding her outside for over a year. She is now an inside cat because she became very ill and required veterinarin care at the tune of $400. Well, Bobo seemed to get along with her but he would scoop litter out of the litterbox and pee or poop in the pile. I put down another litter box. Nope. Still small piles of litter on the floor. I replaced one of the litter boxes with a larger box. Problem solved - for one day. I bought another litter box and shoved it in our bathroom. Problem solved for over a week and counting. BTW, those round dark spots are areas where he had been bitten or scratched and his fur hadn't grown back in, yet. He used to be a feral cat. He was not a good fighter and I would often see him with small wounds. He decided to come inside one day and never left.

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